
Neekay is a collaboration platform to create and organization infromation at one place, to share and collaborate with customer, partners and venfors and to search information wherever you go.


We are Microsoft shop with development services in .net, MVC, Web API, SQL server and angularJS, knockoutJS as javascript frameworks


We offer a wide range of Product Management Consulting services to software product organizations catering to various domains.

Latest News

Neekay Signs up new Customer

Neekay Signs up new customer in new domain. The neekay collaboration platform now suuport professional services of charted accountants.

Customer collaboration for Apps

Neekay Signs up new customer to develop a portal for security, validation apps

Our Skills

SQL Server

60% 60% Complete

MVC Web Development

80% 60% Complete


90% 60% Complete


100% 60% Complete

Our Clients